Hello and welcome to Florian's very first website. Make yourself at home as I will be updating the website shortly to add more fuctionality
Welcome to my very first website! I am a mechanical engineer who is always looking for a way to tinker. I am currently employed full time as a construction design engineer, and it has been an awesome learning experience. I get to design, consult, and administer at my current engineering firm. It's a small to medium sized company so the coworkers feel like family. However, my professional life doesn't exactly line up with my interest. As such I have decided to use my spare time outside 9-5 hours to build my infrastructure here at my home office.
I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and decided to learn about the Linux Operating. As such I am thoroughly amazed about how open source the software is on this platform. Nothing is locked behind pay walls and if you are persistent enough you can set up complex configurations of software for a purpose like... such as... you guessed it, hosting a website! Using a nginx, uwsgi, and flask stack and a lot of configuration I was able to set up the back end of this webserver.
In the future I will add instructions on my steps to configuring the server running on a Debian operating system, installed in a raspberry pi. I plan to expand the functionality of this website and at the same time expand my technical skills in other areas other than my current professional career. I have a long-term goal of working in the forefront of engineering. In the field of renewable energy, sustainability, energy storage and smart grids. Until then I'll be working here updating the Engineering Blog.